Lord Henley -
"it is right that parents should be asked to
make an informed decision about whether to accede to the processing of such
information. It is also proper that pupils should have a say."
The Lord Bishop of Bristol -
"I back the protection of biometric information
on children in schools, with parental consent being required for processing
Kennedy of Southwark -
"Proposals regarding the express parental consent for the use of children's fingerprints are welcome"
The Association of School and College Leaders (ASCL) tweeted that "Pleased to see Lord Lucas supporting ASCL's objections to restricting biometrics in schools in yday's Lord's debate. http://t.co/TlxwoxxR"
As the ASCL rightly state there was one peer, Lord Lucas, who indeed spoke of the section on biometrics in school as a "daffy overreaction". (daffy?) Lord Lucas also commented that biometrics in schools...
"...have great benefits. They improve safety. They improve privacy. They greatly improve efficiency."
If biometrics in schools do have such above beneficial effects what has the ASCL or Lord Lucas to be frightened about gaining parental consent. Surely given the above claims, parents should willingly embrace this technology and thereby give consent. Schools gain consent for all manner of activities, it is a process they are familiar with.
I would be interested to see validation of Lord Lucas's claims. Claims that remind me of the previous Labour Government waffle justifying using childrens biometrics in schools for mundane tasks, and of course, claims made by companies selling access, registration and security systems to schools.